Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Supreme Deception

I am given books all the time by people saying: "You have to read this!" Oftentimes, these books get put in a pile in the corner of my study which I gradually make my way through. Months ago as a gesture of kindness, a member of our church gave me a book she had written. For whatever reason, I couldn't read it at the time, and it was put in the "to read" pile.

Well, this week I picked up Sybil Fletcher Lash's, Supreme Deception, and I could not put it down. It is the story of Sandra Cano, who was "Mary Doe" in the parallel abortion case to Roe v. Wade, called Doe v. Bolton. It is the story of Atlanta's contribution to the abortion travesty we have in our country.

Sybil Lash captures the essence of how Sandra Cano was used and abused by the legal system in our country to legalize abortion and partial-birth abortions. One has to ask: how can something like this happen in the United States of America? Well, it did, and you need to know about it.

Supreme Deception is available at Amazon.com or you can write me and I will get you a copy.

Heavenly Father, how your heart must grieve every time an innocent life is snatched from its mother's womb. How you must hurt with all the women who bear the after-effects in their bodies, in their hearts, and in their spirits of a decision they usually made with bad information! Forgive us Lord for destroying your innocent creation. Forgive us Lord for viewing life so cheaply. Forgive us Lord for allowing it to continue. Revive and renew our country Lord, and end abortion. In the Name of the One who gives us Life, Jesus the Messiah.

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