Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September Newspaper Column

You can now view my September column entitled, "What is a Bishop Anyway?" at http://awordfromthelord.org/page.asp?pg=September%202010.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Shepherd's Heart

Luke 15:1-10 illustrates God perspective toward those who stray from His ways. I am constantly overwhelmed with His seeking Grace -- how He pursues us and comes after us -- how He desires fellowship with us --- how He feels toward one person who turns back to Him.

This morning I had the privilege of preaching on the The Shepherd's Heart to our congregation at Holy Cross. What a privilege to be able to tell about Jesus Christ and His Heart. You can check out the sermon at http://www.holycrosspodcasts.org/C1-media;show,36.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


John Stott commenting on Genesis 3:5,6 -- "Sin is an unwillingness to let God be God, a refusal to acknowledge his 'otherness' and our continuing dependence on him. Sin is a revolt against God's unique authority; it is an attempt at self-deification."