Thursday, September 24, 2009

An Audience of ONE

From Reggie McNeal's, A Work of Heart...

"An old story recounts the dream of a preacher. To a packed house, the preacher pours out his heart. When he finishes -- nothing. Then something. A lone figure way up in the balcony stands and begins to applaud. In his mind's eye, the camera zooms in on that solitary admirer, and he discovers it is Jesus! Suddenly it does not matter that all the others are not clapping their approval. As long as Jesus is pleased, it is OK."


"There is an Audience of One that the Christian leader must cultivate. Only his approval assuages insignificance and loneliness and feelings of failure. Only he keeps perfect score. He is the One who has issued the call and convenes the games. He is the one who will judge the efforts and award the medals. His is the only vote that counts, no matter how many seem lined up either for or against you. His 'well done' will make every effort worth doing again."

"Do you have an Audience of One? If not, the call is in jeopardy of being compromised, no matter how slightly or innocently your ticket sales for grandstand seats have been altered. Only One belongs in the audience."

"Moses' One gave him a private burial. David's One secured his kingdom forever. Paul's One awarded him the victor's crown. Jesus' One sat him down again at his right hand. Your One is your only hope of realizing the call that he has given to you. As you live out your life message through your call, you will help others discover their own ability to play to their own Audience."


  1. The heart of stone [Ez 36:26] will not applaud the Truth until the Holy Spirit has imparted the joy of the Gospel's Good News.

    tom newey
