Saturday, September 29, 2012

St. Julian's Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

The first few days of our mission in Kenya was spent at the Anglican Church of Kenya's Guest House, St. Julian's Center, located about 45 minutes north of Kenya.  In the middle of several rural farms, St. Julian's is a quiet retreat center with beautiful grounds which have been furbished with flowering plants from all around the world.  No internet.  No noise.  A great place to spend time with the Lord.

Our team gathered to acclimate, pray together, plan our time with the bishops.  It was good to slow down and hear from the Lord about what He wanted us to do and "not" do.  The Centre fed us well -- breakfast, morning tea time, lunch, afternoon tea time, and dinner.  Although I was not always sure what we were eating, we had a lot of it!!

1 comment:

  1. I worked there from 2004- 2007. The place still look beautiful. Thank you for sharing the pictures.

